Hello, Lamplighters and Fans!
We’re heading into the fall, so that means … it’s Gala Time!
But it’s such a weird, strange time. We can’t rehearse in person. We can’t perform live. So the Gala is going to be a very different beast this year.
The writing committee has written three one-acts, each about 30 minutes long, each with a small cast. The directing team (Barbara Heroux / Jennifer Ashworth / Nicolas Aliaga Garcia) has made casting offers and we are very close to completing the cast.
But what about the chorus?
This year, we just can’t handle costuming and video-ing a chorus. The logistics of creating a Gala with just a limited cast, as is, are overwhelming.
BUT … We have an idea. The Champagne Song!
Everybody who wants to, please join in on the Champagne Song!
Here’s the deal:
We will send you the score and an accompaniment track.
You sing “a toast, a toast, a toast” and the final “his majesty we celebrate … “ etc.
You dress up in something festive – you pick! – and you pop a bottle of champagne or raise a glass in toast or throw confetti or … be creative!
If the singing part is too much (we know it’s daunting, we all had to go through extensive psychotherapy after “Hail, Poetry” for Virtual Too Much Happiness in the spring), just send in a still photo of yourself in full party attire, raising a glass or popping a cork. Just come out and play in whatever way makes you happy!
Then tune in to the live stream of the Gala on Sunday, October 18.
For now, please respond to elisabeth.stgmgr@gmail.com with “yes, please, I’d like to do this!” and we’ll send you the sheet music and the accompaniment track and instructions.
The deadline to send your video or photo in is September 1, to allow plenty of time for creative editing and mixing. Questions? Please contact elisabeth.stgmgr@gmail.com for further information.